Radio station «RAPSODIA»

Radio station «RAPSODIA»

Multirange multifunctional software-defined radio station (portable version) 
Scope of application:
- tactical link in the management of the Armed Forces; 
- equipping command posts of the armed forces, control points of communication centers of the companies, battalions, brigades.

Main functions:
Operating mode: 
- two-frequency simplex; 
- pseudo-random tuning of the working frequency; 
- transmission of voice information and data;
- retransmitter; 
- data transfer.
Expansion to two independently configurable transceivers.
Software-defined radio interface; graphical user interface; compatibility with radio station “Bekas”; compatibility with analog radio stations of the old park; technical masking of information; cryptographic protection of information (using a separate ZAS module); removable universal control panel for the radio station.

Specifications of the radio station

Frequency range: 1,5-30 MHz; 30-512 MHz 
Sensitivity of the receiver, not worse: 0,5 microvolts 
Output power, no more: 0,5; 5; 10 W
Data transfer rate: up to 19,6 kBit/s
Modulation type: SSB, AM, FM, C4FM,8PSK
Radio interfaces: analog, packet radio communication at fixed frequency, packet radio communication with FHSS, АRСО25, communication with adaptive automatic setting of radio channel parameters (MIL-STD-188-141B (App.C)
Vocoder: MELP 2400 bit/s IMBE  4800 bit/s
Interfaces: Rs232, RS 485, USB 2.0, Enternet
Operating temperature range: from -400С to +550С
Range of robust communication: 12-15 km
Interfacing capability with power amplifiers HF-range (100 W) и VHF/DCW-ranges (50 W)
Possibility of independent configuration of up to two types of transceivers (HF, VHF/DCW)